Ddsb Collective Agreement 2019

The Durham District School Board (DDSB) has announced its new collective agreement for 2019, which will impact thousands of teachers and support staff across the region. The agreement outlines a number of important changes and updates that will affect the way educational services are delivered to students in the coming years.

One of the most significant changes in the new collective agreement is an increase in compensation for teachers and support staff. The agreement includes a 1.5% salary increase for each year of the agreement, which will help to ensure that these essential workers are fairly compensated for their contributions to the education system.

Another key feature of the new agreement is a focus on professional development. Under the agreement, all DDSB employees will be entitled to up to 10 professional development days per year, which can be used to attend workshops, seminars, or other training opportunities designed to enhance their skills and knowledge in various areas of education.

Additionally, the new DDSB collective agreement includes a number of important provisions related to job security and workplace conditions. For example, the agreement includes language that helps to ensure that teachers and support staff are not subjected to harassment or discrimination in the workplace, and that they have access to appropriate supports and resources when needed.

Finally, the new agreement also includes important provisions related to class size and composition. This has been a central issue for many teachers and parents across the province, and the new agreement offers some much-needed clarity on how class sizes will be managed in the coming years.

Overall, the new DDSB collective agreement represents an important step forward for the education system in the Durham region. By focusing on issues like compensation, professional development, workplace conditions, and class size, the agreement helps to lay the groundwork for a more equitable and effective education system that benefits all students and staff alike.